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[드림코딩 엘리] 웹사이트 따라 만들기 Jihyeon Home Academic Graduate Career Community body { margin:0; font-family: 'Source Sans Pro'; } a{ text-decoration:none; color:white; } .navbar{ display:flex; justify-content: space-between; align-items: center; background-color: #232342; padding:8px 12px; } .navbar_logo{ font-size:24px; color:white; } .navbar_logo i{ color:#d23423; } .navbar_menu{ display:flex; list-style: none; padding-left.. 2021. 2. 15.
CSS 선택자 💡ID Selector Select elements with an ID #id Selects the element with a specific id. You can also combine the ID selector with the type selector. Examples #cool selects any element with id="cool" 💡Descendant Selector Select an element inside another element A B Selects all B inside of A. B is called a descendant because it is inside of another element. Examples p strong selects all 💡Class Selecto.. 2021. 2. 14.
9. 유용한 10가지 배열 함수들 // Q1. make a string out of an array { const fruits = ['apple', 'banana', 'orange']; const result = fruits.join(); //apple, banana, orange console.log(result); const results = fruits.join('|'); //apple|banana|orange console.log(results); /** * Adds all the elements of an array separated by the specified separator string. * @param separator A string used to separate one element of an array from t.. 2021. 2. 14.
8. 배열 제대로 알고 쓰자 💡 JavaScript === dynamically typed language → 여러 타입을 담을 수 가 있다!! ! 검색, 정렬, 삽입, 삭제 !!! (array map set list) 자료구조, 알고리즘을 써야 좋은지를 확인해야 한다!!! 동일한 타입의 배열을 넣는 것이 좋다!! 삭제도 가능하다!! 'use strict' // 1. Declaration const arr1 = new Array(); const arr2 = [1,2]; //2. Index position const fruits = ['apple', 'banana']; console.log(fruits); console.log(fruits.length); console.log(fruits[0]); console.log(fruits[1.. 2021. 2. 14.