드림코딩 by 엘리2 5. Arrow Function은 무엇인가? 💡 function은 원하는 기능에 맞춰서 만든 함수!! function → sub-program!! input → output!! API(Application Programming Interface)에 대부부분의 기능이 다 적혀 있다!! //Function // fundamental building block in the program // subprogram can be used multiple times // performs a task or calculates a value // 1. Function declaration //function name(parm1, param2) { body... return;} // one function === one thing // naming : doSomet.. 2021. 2. 13. 2. 콘솔에 출력, Script async와 defer의 차이점 Home - Ecma International Ecma is driven by industry members to meet their needs, providing a healthy competitive landscape based on differentiation of products and services rather than technology models, generating confidence among vendors and users of new technology. http://ecma-international.org MDN Web Docs The MDN Web Docs site provides information about Open Web technologies including HTML.. 2021. 2. 13. 이전 1 다음 반응형